import requests
import urllib3
def fetch_uniprot_data(uniprot_id):
= f"{uniprot_id}.json"
url = requests.get(url, verify=False) # Disable SSL verification
response # Raise an error for bad status codes
response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
def display_uniprot_data(data):
= data.get('primaryAccession', 'N/A')
primary_accession = data.get('proteinDescription', {}).get('recommendedName', {}).get('fullName', {}).get('value', 'N/A')
protein_name = data.get('gene', [{'geneName': {'value': 'N/A'}}])[0]['geneName']['value']
gene_name = data.get('organism', {}).get('scientificName', 'N/A')
= next((comment for comment in data.get('comments', []) if comment['commentType'] == "FUNCTION"), None)
function_comment = function_comment['texts'][0]['value'] if function_comment else 'N/A'
# Printing the data
print(f"UniProt ID: {primary_accession}")
print(f"Protein Name: {protein_name}")
print(f"Organism: {organism}")
print(f"Function: {function}")
# Replace this with the UniProt ID you want to fetch
= "Q13488"
uniprot_id = fetch_uniprot_data(uniprot_id)
data display_uniprot_data(data)
UniProt ID: Q13488
Protein Name: V-type proton ATPase 116 kDa subunit a 3
Organism: Homo sapiens
Function: Subunit of the V0 complex of vacuolar(H+)-ATPase (V-ATPase), a multisubunit enzyme composed of a peripheral complex (V1) that hydrolyzes ATP and a membrane integral complex (V0) that translocates protons (By similarity). V-ATPase is responsible for acidifying and maintaining the pH of intracellular compartments and in some cell types, is targeted to the plasma membrane, where it is responsible for acidifying the extracellular environment (By similarity). Seems to be directly involved in T-cell activation (PubMed:10329006)